How to Test Your Mobile App for UX
The most important aspect of a mobile app happens to be the UX. User experience is what ultimately gauges a mobile app through increased customer loyalties. This can only be achieved by providing easy user interfaces (UI), resulting in improved customer experiences in which they see the value that is created for them. There are certain key factors that need to be kept in mind in order to ensure that the mobile apps are tested in such a way so as to ensure customer satisfaction.
Screen resolution and orientation
With such a wide variety of mobile devices now available in the market, this aspect of mobile app testing is one that cannot be ignored at any cost. If user experience has to be complete, then the same look and feel is what should be provided to the app user across all devices. This means that the app should appear same on devices of all sizes and shapes and resolutions. To get it right for the complete horde of devices may be a daunting task. Hence there should be a list drawn up of the most popular screen sizes and resolutions. This should serve as the optimum list to be used for the Authentic Means of Computing UX Design. You may also want to keep in mind about the retina and non-retina screens because images and text differ in appearance on these.
Handling interrupts
A mobile app will be subject to distractions which are nothing but the most common uses of a mobile phone like incoming and outgoing calls, incoming messages, network availability, switching between the delivery mediums like Wi-Fi and mobile data, notifications from other third-party apps or even something like turning a player on or off. A good testing strategy is one where all possible scenarios are listed and tested. It is highly possible that in actual usage, it may still encounter a scenario that was not considered. To avoid this, it is best that the app is put to actual use in-house in order to ensure that maximum scenarios are caught.
App behavior
The user experience of an app is at its best when apps are tested for those unlikely scenarios at which app behavior can become irritating. Instances like the charge dropping low, device space usage reaching high utilization, an external SD card being installed, tools like GPS being turned off or on or being uninstalled.
Popularity aspect
Most popular apps are the ones that provide seamless app localization, updates, push messages and allow switching between apps and the social media networks. These features working properly are a prime factor in determining the user experience of the app.
Alerts, notifications and feedback
It is important that an app provides relevant and useful information to the app user. Therefore, it should spell out the supported OS versions and the devices. Messages should be sent to the user for events like removing any important information, network connection errors, ending processes or a progress bar indicating download status. It goes without saying that every app should have a feedback facility. This feature can be used effectively to improve app UX.
To summarize, to test your mobile app for optimal UX ensure that the device considerations on which it is rendered and the various other interactive features of the device are taken into consideration.We have done a great in-depth infographic blog on How a Page Should Look When Optimized To Perfection [ Infographic ] Hope you find it useful for your next website or landing page.